



Whisperdrift is a whimsical 2d platformer where a spiritual creature looks to regain its physical form by freeing fairies from their crystal prisons across underground levels to defeat the final serpent boss. My work in this project consists of 4 original compositions: Whisperdrift, Aphsith, Scintillant & Lucent. These 4 tracks compose the game’s soundtrack for Whisperdrift: the game’s main menu, theme song, boss battle and credits music.

Whisperdrift is the main theme song for Whisperdrift, a game developed in Gamkedo. Whisperdrift as a musical piece looks to embody the whimsically dark and lush ambience of the cavernous underground levels with its minimal, but articulated percussion and its background cellos, violas, choral, guitar and harps playing scatter soothing melodies structuring the foundation of the piece. Light, fast, and articulated melodies by the piano and piccolo flute, coupled with the emotional layer brought forth by the violin, represent the optimistic, but harsh journey as the player looks to regain their physical form.

Aphsith is the boss theme for Whisperdrift. In this final encounter, where all is on the line for the player to regain their physical form, the piece looks to bring forth a different pace from the game's main theme song Whisperdrift. Aphsith embodies the rush of danger when facing the final boss bringing the violin up front into a more predominant position in the piece, dictating the emotion of the battle and the journey. In Aphsith, the articulation of the percussion intensifies the atmosphere of the final encounter, the viola's pizzicato and sharp melodies help transition the piece from one section to another, the pulse of the cellos define a darker, more threatening undertone to the piece, while the rest of the instruments articulate the intensity of the moment.